Duong Lam Ancient Village

Located in Sơn Tây Town, 40 km to the west of Hanoi, Đường Lâm village is a very popular tourist destination at the weekends.
 Although the time passes by, Duong lam village still retains most of the basic characteristics of a village of Vietnam with port village, trees, courtyard, temples, well, water fields… The roads of Duong lam were special because they have the shape as the bones of fish
 Some features are still kept in Duong Lam ancient village is the old village gate in Mong Phu village. visitors should not miss taking photo of the gate, which is in the typical architectural style of an old Vietnamese village
Duong Lam has 956 traditional houses, Dong Sang has 441 houses, Mong Phu has 350 houses and Cam Thinh Has 165 houses.The village’s centre is Mong Phu communal house. The construction which is typical for northern rural area was built in 1684 on the highestregion of the village with an area of 1,800 square metres. In 1984, the communal house was recognised as a national cultural and historical relic by the Ministry of Information and Culture then which is now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. It were designed with the yards lower than internal roads. Therefore, when it rains, the water flocks to the yards before draining.
 Small and clean alleys always attract tourists ride bicycles to visit the village and understand more about the life of people here
Ride bicycle to visit village
The wall of village was built from blocks of laterite
Duong Lam ancient well
Đường Lâm is also famous for its soybean sauce which is second only to Bần soybean sauce in Hưng Yên province
Soybean sauce at an ancient house in Duong Lam village
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If you want to visit Đường Lâm, you can take a bus from Hanoi to Sơn Tây town, then go by bicycle or motorbike to explore the area, visit the old houses and other sites then return to Hanoi the same day or feel free to contact with us at anytime to get more information about tours in Duong Lam, Hanoi tours, and Vietnam tours
Adress: 357 Lac Long Quan Street – Tay Ho District – Hanoi
Tel: (+84) 978 942 723